Every year I contemplate what it is about the north. Every year we hear how happy the Scandinavians are and I wonder how they are so happy when winter is so cold and dark there. The answer has always been in the mindset; I don't care what anyone says. So, that being said; here's some places to visit in the winter and embrace the cold, because no snow and ice is slowing them down.
1. Winterlude, Ottawa, Canada. Everything freezes in Ottawa. That's a fact, but it doesn't bother these folks one little bit. They have the Rideau Canal, which freezes over well and provides one of the world's largest and longest ice skating rinks. Over 7 kilometers of the canal are open daily in the winter for skating with all kinds of food and activities along the way. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
There's ice sculpting, sledding and tobogganing, dog sledding, lots of food everywhere (including maple syrup candy), events, activities, and even ice dragon boating. If you've never heard of that one, you should really check it out.
The bottom line is that these hearty Canadians aren't letting a deep freeze or long nights ruin their good time, and if you'd like to see what it feels like to bundle up and make the most of winter; this is a great festival for you. It runs through most of January and February, with some events happening around the holidays before and during the melt after.
2. Winter is for getting out in Greenville, Maine! I've done this. I love Maine at any time of year, but there's something special about the winter. Most of New England hunkers down and waits for spring, but not these guys.
January has skiing, dog sledding, ice fishing, snow shoeing, and that Memorial Snow Machine Ride to the site of the crashed B-52 Bomber on Elephant Mountain. Every imaginable outdoor winter activity happens in Greenville.
In February, they normally start racing on the lake. Not boats. Cars. Every Saturday, weather permitting, they race cars--on a lake. They also have a tendency to drag race snow machines there too. Also in February, if all that cold and frozen outdoor activity isn't enough; they have the chocolate festival. Sweets for the sweet and some of the best home made chocolate around.
Greenville has been having some troubles in tourism, but winter is waiting and ready for you with a lot to do no matter how cold it gets, and it's one of my favorite places to enjoy winter.
3. The Winter Festival, Quebec City, Quebec. This festival has happened every winter for decades. It gets cold in Quebec City, and they just don't worry about it. The city has always had a bit of a fairy tale vibe with the walled part of the city and the now hotel that looks like a castle. However, winter just brings a whole lot more fairy tale to this northern wonder of a city.
There's a full festival with this one. There are sledding, tubing and tobogganing areas for everyone. They have ice bars, ice hotels, ice sculptures and so much ice. There's dog sledding, sleigh rides, ice skating and the list goes on and on. Night comes and the lights come on, making everything seem like magic.
The festival runs every year from later in January or early February through mid to late February, and it's one of the best places to beat the winter doldrums.
4. The Fairbanks World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. Do you like art? Fairbanks becomes one of the world's largest art shows and competitions in the winter. February and March celebrates the art and competition that makes winter a great time in this northern city.
People come from around the world to compete in the ice sculpting competition and that means there are amazing sculptures all around the city. But that's not all. They also have an ice hotel, ice bars, and ice carved playgrounds for the children. There's so much ice and it's amazing all that they do with it.
There's a great food scene, activities and so much more, and a lot of it is carved from ice!
5. The many winter festivals of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It's as though these guys just plain look forward to winter. It's amazing, considering how close they are to the arctic up there. Edmonton not only has an indoor super mall with more to do than is possible in a vacation, and skiing all over the place, but a professional hockey team to watch; the Oilers.
If only that was it. There's something about the spirit of the natives of Edmonton. They have all kinds of winter festivals, beginning with the holiday festivals in late fall and early winter and going all the way through until the beginning of spring. They sculpt, play, race, compete and thoroughly seem to enjoy winter, even though it's really cold up there.
They even have a music festival, and if you think it's inside; wrong. Bundle up buttercup! That music festival is outside too.
I've been to Edmonton in the winter, and I couldn't believe how much I heard they have to do. I couldn't even finish all the activities at the mall. I can say that they're some of the most amazing folks I've ever met, and they really love where they live and winter doesn't bother them at all.
There you have it. I only looked into some of the great spots in North America on this one. There are great places to visit in winter all over the north of the globe, and I've visited several. I loved Edmonton, was surprised by Greenville, mesmerized by Iceland and the northern lights, and loved every minute of St. Petersburg, Russia. I'm not new to northern travel in winter. I can say that I want to visit more of these magical places and I hope you check some of them out too.
All I can say is pack up your warmest clothes, adjust your mindset, look forward to instead of dreading the cold and the dark and enjoy!