I asked my friends where they would like to go, what was on their bucket list. Probably the most mentioned place of all, by Daphne, Terri, Ruby, and my Aunt Carol; was Hawaii. I looked into this, because I've been writing a story called "A View of Paradise" about my friend Daphne's life. She was born and raised in Hawaii. My friend Ruby has a grave to visit in Hawaii. I have known more people in my life that have dreamed about going to Hawaii than have dreamed of going anywhere else. My mother has been there a few times. It is referred to as paradise.
Hawaii has worn many hats in its history. Polynesian, British, other Pacific Nations, and most recently, American. Hawaii has been ruled by royalty, as a commonwealth, as a territory, and now as a state. It of course is the location of Pearl Harbor, and the attack by Japan that dragged us into WWII. Since 1959 it has been our 50th state here in the U.S. It's the home of Dole Pineapple. It's the most common host of the NFL's Pro Bowl. It has some of the most famous beaches in the world. There are a lot of things to discuss when talking about Hawaii.
That is why I'm going to do it in pieces. There's a lot to talk about. This is only part 1.

I've decided to start with some out of this world entertainment. Hawaii is home to some of the most famous and some of the most active volcanoes in the world. It sits in the dead center of what we commonly call the ring of fire; the term for the ring of active volcanoes and busy fault lines that circles the Pacific Ocean. The Hawaiian Islands are a creation of volcanic activity, which is one reason I chose to start with this topic.
The volcanic creation of the Hawaiian Islands led to it being a fertile soiled wonder for farming and nature. I remember my friend Daphne telling me that when she was a child, you just picked the fruit off the trees for a snack. Plants grew everywhere. Wouldn't we all love to live like that?
Today, the Big Island of Hawaii is home to some of the most active volcanoes in the state and on Earth. Diamond Head is probably the most visitor friendly, since it has not erupted in some time. It has not been moved to the inactive list permanently yet, but its crater has a visitor center and hiking trails. There are driving roads, tours to take, hiking trails, and a monument on this massive volcano. The view from the rim, and the view of the volcano from Honolulu are amazing.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is one of the most amazing National Parks in the world. It's home to two active Volcanoes; Maunaloa and Kilauea.
Maunaloa is not erupting currently, but is very much so considered active. What exactly makes it important enough to be protected as a National Park? It's height. It is the biggest active volcano on Earth and is part of the land mass that is The Big Island of Hawaii. It last erupted in 1984.
Kilauea is probably currently the most famous volcano in the world. It erupted continually from 1983 to 2018. Currently, it has been erupting again. There are about a hundred different tours you can take of Kilauea. You can see if from a boat, a hike, a drive, a plane or helicopter. But always go with a tour and a guide. Volcanoes are the monsters that formed the ground that you walk on. They are dangerous and deserve our respect. They are also some of the most hypnotically beautiful parts of the globe.
So, Diamond Head and all the natural beauty and the views. Maunaloa and all of its massive majesty. Kilauea and its overwhelming beauty of beast in action. They all are a must see.

I have to mention one more volcanic wonder. Maunakea. This 13,500 foot high monster is home to the WM Keck Observatory. This is one of the most famous observatories and planetariums in the world. It is home to the twin telescopes which are the most productive observational tools on Earth. So many discoveries have been made from this observatory that I can't name them all. They go a long way to helping us understand space. They are also a great place to visit.

Maunakea isn't just about a collection of amazing observatories and an unparalleled contribution to astronomical sciences; it's cold up there.
I know that most people equate a visit to Hawaii with a nice tanning session on a beach, but during the winter months in particular, you can ski on Maunakea. It is home to the best ski resorts in Hawaii. Ski by day, and hang out by the ocean with a Mai Tai in the evening. Truly paradise.

So, this concludes round one of Hawaii. There is so much more to come. Volcanoes are where I started, because without them; there would be no Hawaiian Islands. They are the source of life, fascination, fun, beauty, science, and part of the wonder that is the paradise we call Hawaii. I hope that if my friends visit Hawaii, they will visit at least one of these behemoths and experience the wonder of nature at its most amazing. So, come and visit a volcano, look at the stars, watch new earth erupting, get some exercise, and enjoy!