If you want to find that extra something special in your travels and different locations than most people visit, follow me on this unique travel blog. Send questions, ideas and more and we'll travel the world together. When you're not traveling, check out my novels by Terri Dixon on Kindle and amazon and enjoy a fantasy that can easily keep you company when you're on that amazing budget travel itinerary that I told you about! Enjoy!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
I Know...Classic Winter Stuff...But Really Costa Rica
I know that it's February, and here in the Northeast we're jumping out of third story windows in our bikinis to land in giant piles of snow, because we've gone round the bend, but I have to say that there really isn't a better place to shake off the coldsies than in Costa Rica. I also have to say that there is not better place to visit in Costa Rica for us beach hating non swimsuit wearing people than the Lake Arenal Area. Lake Arenal, the volcano that shares the name and a whole bunch of cool things lurk up in the Northern part of the country somewhere between the central highlands and the northern lowlands. Lake Arenal is home to many resorts and spas, and has all kinds of activities and tours to keep anyone busy. You can go fishing for the area's famous rainbow trout, play on all kinds of water toys, or just rent a boat and enjoy the water and warm weather.
Arenal Volcano will be your neighbor. It's one of the 20 most active volcanoes in the world. You can book a tour to go hiking on it, and be closer than you can to most volcanoes. You will most likely get a picture of it with some smoke coming out while you're there. It's pretty common. You can also book a flightseeing tour to fly over it and get some cool pictures of the caldera at the top. For those of us who don't go bungee jumping and skydiving, this might just be the most adventurous place we ever land.
La Fortuna is the local village here that the tourists visit. They have several resorts, hotels, restaurants, and shops for the traveler, and they have a great view of the volcano. The last time that the volcano had a major eruption was back in the 1980's, and it somehow missed the town. Good to know if you are a superstitious traveler.
The resorts in La Fortuna are wonderful. They have all the amenities that you might be looking for. There are plenty of tours companies that will take you out to do everything from taking photos to repelling down waterfalls. There are caves, canopy walks, white water rafting and all kinds of trips to take.
There are many ways to get close to nature in the area including zip lining. One of the things about the area are the cloud forests, and there's a lot of great ways to experience them. The Sky Tram will take you up. From there you can go back down or walk on the canopy walk or take the zip line. It's all a lot of fun, and they all provide a great view and great experience. Depending on your level of I want to do something crazy, you'll choose the way you want to see it. I like them all.
Cloud forests and mountains normally mean waterfalls, and this area is no exception. La Fortuna has their own waterfalls and the La Fortuan Waterfall is the favorite. It's about 200 feet high, give or take, and it's gorgeous. It does require a little travel through the forest, either on foot or on horseback; depending on you personal preference. If you wish to go to the bottom, there are stairs that you will have to climb back up. You can view it from the platform if you wish.
Now, you've heard how much there is to do, but what is the adventure for anyone? For my money, it's the hot springs. A volcano nearby creates them, and there are many resorts that have them. It's romantic, it's therapeutic, and this time of year it's warm. Whether it's Tabacon or one of the others, they are a relaxing place to spend your spare time. This is where you take a load off. This is where you soothe your aching joints and muscles. This is where you have a drink and remember the day's events fondly. This is where you rest and spend time with the ones you love. There is nothing like a natural hot spring to make you feel better, no matter why you want to feel better. They are great honeymoon spots as well.
So, volcanoes, zip lines, Sky Tram, waterfalls, huge caves, watersports, spas, and hot springs. It's a tough idea to top, especially in the dead of winter. So, I know we all missed out on Valentine's Day, but there's still plenty of time to get out of the snow before winter finally goes away.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Sunsets are something that most people don't pay a whole lot of attention to, unless they are on vacation. Most of us don't get to go on a vacation that often, so does that mean that most of us don't see many sunsets? I think it does. I make a point to notice sunsets, because they are some of the most beautiful sites that you will see in a lifetime. I work at Walmart as most of you know, so I don't have overwhelming amounts of joy in my day to day life. But, at my Walmart we have one of the most wonderful vantage points for watching a sunset that I have ever seen. It's great to see gorgeous sunsets over the mountains in the distance right from out parking lot. That, my good people, is a gift.
Of course, there are places that you should run off to once in a lifetime to see some really amazing sunsets, like these along the harbor in Reykjavik, Iceland. These are at midnight, in June, and the midnight sunset is something truly amazing. I also love sunsets over the water, because they have a reflective effect that really enhances the experience.
I know that skyscrapers seem an odd view to take up for a sunset, but along the waterfront of the Hudson River in lower Manhattan, these buildings make a great backdrop for sunsets. You have to take your time and enjoy the setting, in order to see things at just the right time, but it's beautiful.
The waterfront in Manhattan is not a continuous parkway along the entire island. You can bike, walk, dine, catch a water taxi, go on a cruise, catch a ferry, go to the Statue of Liberty, visit the Intrepid, go to a park, and so much more. It's an ambitious project, and go New Yorkers for making it happen. It's great for all us tourists too. We love a good view.
We all know I love Greenville, Maine. I love the moose, the lake, the waterfalls, the mountains, and the people. Still, the wilds of northern Maine are a great place to see sunsets. Whether it be over the mountains, the buildings, or the bogs; Maine in the summer time has sunset around 10:00 pm, and it's amazing. There are normally just the right amount of clouds which make the most amazing colors. I get great shots of sunsets every time I go there. I also have an amazing time and meet cool people too.
Provincetown, Massachusetts is one of those places that if you blink, you'll miss it. We were out there, and there were some clouds coming in, so we took the pictures earlier than normal. We thought that it would be a solid bank of clouds later on. What we ended up finding was that Pilgrim Tower in twilight was just as beautiful as the sunset that we missed getting great pictures of. Provincetown sits in a unique place on the East Coast. There are only a select few great places to watch a sunset on the eastern beaches. Provincetown sits at the end of Cape Cod, so there is water to the west and the sunsets are just as gorgeous as they are on the west coast. Another really great place for that on the east coast is Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, Maine. If you sit on the top of Cadillac Mountain at sunset, it's amazing.
Mountain valleys can be interesting at sunset. In Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, you don't get direct sunlight much unless you go up an Alp on one side of the valley or another. It's a deep box gorge there, and the sunlight looks like no other place on Earth. When the clouds roll in and the sun starts to go over the next ridge to the right, the distant valley glows. You don't get the colors that you get in some other sunsets, but what you do get is the sensation that there is a heaven and that you're looking into it. It's quite relaxing and pretty.
Lake Champlain between New York and Vermont is another great place to see sunsets. It starts there with the seagulls sunbathing in the late afternoon light that reflects off of just about everything, and ends with a long lasting sunset that fades slowly, giving you the most colors for your buck. Lakes also provide that big sky that makes sunset seem even more grand.
Evening is a great time to visit the National Mall area of Washington D.C. The White House has a great viewpoint where the sunset will shine right behind it. Also, the light makes the fountains glow in the twilight. Honest Abe also looks fabulous in the evening with his lights shining on him. It's a great time to visit that part of town. You get to see some great light over the reflecting pool, and if you go on a Monday in the summer, you may get to see a free movie on the green.
Now, the desert is different. On the Mexican Border of Baja California, there are hardly ever clouds. It's dry out there. I do however like the fact that the sun just makes the whole dune area glow orange, yellow and red. I also like it when the moon is coming up as the sun sets. It's just gorgeous.
Now, the one exception that I have found to the desert lack of clouds problem is January. While at my mom's, I had a lot of stuff going on. The only escape that I had in Sun City, Arizona, was to take a walk at sunset, despite the coyotes, and look at the sunset. In January, there are clouds almost every night. That makes for some of the most beautiful sunsets you've ever seen. So, January in Arizona is not only a great idea to escape the cold, but a great time to see beautiful sunsets.
But, I love to look at sunsets even when I'm just around home. The Northwest Hills of Connecticut have some great vistas. Sometimes it's even great right from my back yard. So, note to self; enjoy the sunsets. It makes life easier. It makes life calm and beautiful for just a little while. If you can't run all over the world, then enjoy the beauty in your own back yard.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Tuscon is Not What You Might Think
Tuscon, Arizona is part of the wild west. Arizona is known for many things; The Grand Canyon, Native American Reservations, desert, cactus, coyote, dry, and heat. It's the land of searching for the Flying Dutchman Mine and ghost towns of times gone by when the west was wild and the saloons were full. Truth is, there's still a lot of those things wandering around, but in Tuscon you get a couple of things that maybe you didn't know about. One of those is the Pima Air and Space Museum.
The great thing about having an indoor/outdoor air museum, is that there will be virtually no wear and tear on the planes and things that are outside. The other great thing is that there will hardly ever be a bad day to go, because the sun shines so much in Arizona. I don't recommend visiting in the summer, however, because it's bloody hot. I can't explain how hot it gets in the summer. But, on a not so hot day, the sheer pleasure of doing this activity outside in the always great sunshine almost overshadows the fact that there are over 300 planes to look at. They've got it all. There are military planes of all kinds from all eras. There are private planes of all kinds from all eras. These guys even have a Harrier. There are great exhibits about the history of flying as well. It's just a great time for everyone, because it's a really hands on type of place. You know how when you go to a museum you only get to look at stuff? Not here. There are several planes that you can look inside of and see how they work. There are lots of interactive exhibits too.
But, that's not the only surprise spot you'll find in the greater Tuscon area. The Count Ferdinand von Galen Titan Missile Museum Education and Research Center is a view back to the cold war. It's one of the old missile bunkers that were deactivated after the fall of The Wall. There is a disabled missile still in it, and all the equipment is still there. You'll be shocked how big everything is.
You get a guided tour that shows you how it all would have worked if, God forbid, anyone had ever pushed the button. There are many wonderful exhibits in this museum, and remember, this was once a real live bunker that held a real live missile that was ready to fire at our Communist enemies. I don't know about the youngsters out there, but I remember duck and cover. I remember fallout shelters. I remember bomb shelters in people's back yards. This is a compelling look at a time that we hope we will never have to live in again.
There are a ton of things to do in and around Tuscon. You can go to Biosphere II. This is a whole world inside a dome. It's fascinating. There's Tombstone, home of the OK Corral. There are more than a dozen parks; state and other, from lakes to deserts, to caves. There's historical downtown, and so much more. There are tons of things to do in Tuscon. I just figured I would mention a couple that you might not have thought about. That's what I do, and that's why this is an adventure for anyone.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
When You Have No Time and Need to Fly One Way
It happens, and a couple of weeks ago was my time. My parents live way across the country from me, and there was an emergency. So, I had to go. There was no time, and there was no alternative. I needed a one way ticket, and I needed it right away. What do you do? I called Southwest. Let me explain why.

I would be fabulous if we could just take a leap and fly wherever we needed to go, but that's not how it works. We have to get with an airline and figure out how we can fly where we need to go. Business travelers do it all the time, but the rest of us are only used to booking round trip travel to our vacation destination. The truth of the matter is that sooner or later we will all have to travel suddenly for some reason or another. We all know it costs more. We all know that one way isn't cheap and sometimes with no notice, it's not easy. Then what do you do?

I looked around. I checked the vacation sites like Expedia. I didn't like what I saw. I didn't see any good reason why I should book with them. I didn't see anything but a bunch of combination flights, which tend to run you all over any airport that you have a layover in. Who needs that when time is of the essence, and you're already stressed? So, I went away from the regular travel sites. They're nice for vacation, but not for an emergency.
There are options such as Cheap O Air. They aren't bad in an emergency, but they weren't what I was looking for. One Travel is also good and fairly reasonable. Fare Buzz is okay. But, most sites will get you there for a fairly reasonable price, because they are flying you on more then one airline. I don't want to run all over an airport on a layover when I'm already stressed. That just doesn't work for me.

This was when I turned to airline sites. One airline, one way. After looking at all the outrageous things that most airlines offer for this situation, I looked to Southwest. When you book round trip with no notice, you pay. When you book one way with most airlines with no notice you pay a lot. When you book with Southwest, you pay one way about half of what you would pay round trip with the others on no notice. That's hard to beat in times of trouble. So, I booked it. I did have to go out of my way a little, but I got there for a reasonable price.

Here's the other great thing about Southwest. Or, should I say, here's a list. For starters, no baggage fees. Who doesn't love that? Onward--no hassles at the check in counter. Moving along--no assigned seating. I love that. They still give you free drinks and some snacks, and they have wi-fi. You don't have to change airlines on a layover. If you have to switch your flight, as I did going home because of a blizzard, it's free. They're plenty of leg room. The staff is nice and even entertaining. I could go on and on. There just are no hassles when flying with these people, and isn't that what you need when you are traveling in an emergency?

This was the first time that I had to make an emergency flight. I don't know what I would have done without Southwest. They just make it easier. Will this make me fly them exclusively from now on? No. I'm a bargain hunter, and for most of my flying needs, they are expensive. That's a fact. Are they worth it for comfort and reliability? Absolutely. I don't normally require that though. I'm a tough traveler. But, when stress is already at it's maximum, and you have no time, they are the only way to go.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Desert Festival in Rajasthan
It's long since been called the land of kings. This is that part of India where you will find stone temples, turbans, and men with amazing mustaches. This is the part of India that holds adventure and romance; the place that reminds you of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Rajasthan is an amazing place to be, and Jaisalmer is one of it's amazing cities. The architecture in Jaisalmer is ancient, worked primarily from yellow sandstone and glows gold which gives the city a reputation of being a city of gold.
The architecture in this city is truly amazing. It was once a stop on the trade routes, it was also once the capital of the region. The fort that overlooks the city is one of the largest existing forts in the world. Not just in India, but in the world. The city is home to temples turned hotel, palaces that still house royalty. If you've ever wanted to soak up some culture, this is your spot. Jaisalmer is located in the far west part of India, with it's connector being Jodhpur. This is out of the way.

Jaisalmer has a man made lake surrounded by fascinating temples, and the old town has several Havelis. Most of the Havelis are at least partially open to the public, and most of the temples are as well. There are areas in the oldest parts of town that are full of tiny boutiques crammed in narrow alleyways, just like we've all seen in the movies. You will not run out of things to look at. You will not run out of buildings to wander through or shops to peruse. This is a lively city that still thrives and a lot of that thriving is on tourism. It is said that the lake is kind of dirty, but being a man made lake in the desert in India, that shouldn't shock you too much.

If, by some chance, you don't see enough amazing architecture in Jaisalmer, Lodurva, the ancient abandoned capital is not far away. In Lodurva you will see amazing Jain Temples all over and you can wander to your heart's delight. They are full of ancient carvings, massive cavernous rooms, towers and all kinds of notable features. The area around Lodurva is also crawling with peacocks which is a theme in most of the temples. Rajasthan is home to one of the world's largest populations of Peacocks.

I'm an architecture buff, and I could spend all week looking at temples, palaces, forts, and havelis. But there's more than that. The reason that I've chosen this spot at this time is because this is peak season for travel to this region of India, and it's that time of year that they have the Desert Festival.

Jaisalmer sits on the edge of a desert. Desert National Park and Sam Sand Dunes Park are close by, and are the most amazing part of the area. It's just like the Sahara in places, and the folks in this area are actually desert people by nature. Every year in January, they have a festival celebrating the desert. The Desert Festival is that time of year when the sands of the desert explode in the colors of the native costumes that the locals wear for the festival. Camels come to town, puppet shows abound, along with dancing, mustache contests, turban tying contests and so much more. It's a great time to visit the area. It's something that you won't soon forget. There are all kinds of events and contests to follow, and some really great food. The festival or festivals go on into the month of February and are a great source of entertainment and cultural education.
And what would be the creme de la creme of the Adventure for Anyone on this trip? You can take an overnight camel safari into the desert. There is a guided tour that takes you out to a luxury camp where you eat like a local, participate in song and dance and other entertainment, sleep in your own luxury tent or under the stars, and see some of the most amazing sunrises and sunsets you've ever seen. It's the experience of a lifetime, and it's all part of the experience of visiting Jaisalmer.
So, it's January, and you have no reason to go out, because you live where it's cold. Pack your bags and go to where it's peak season for tourists, just like you who want to get away. Come and boat on the lake, visit temples, palaces, and forts, go to a festival, see the desert up close and personal, or stop and take a look at the peacocks. It's all waiting in the corner of Rajasthan in India in a city called Jaisalmer.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Magic...The Ball Season is Here!

Ah, 2015 has arrived along with new movies about magical forests and yes, Cinderella. What does this make most of us think of? Well, of course it brings about dreams of Prince Charming and bad shoes, but it makes us all think of the wonderful night we could have at a formal ball. What is a girl to do? For my thoughts and dreams, I say go to Vienna, Austria.
That's right, it's ball season in Vienna. The Viennese love their classical music and their traditions and history. Vienna has been home to some true greats like Mozart, and it's the home of the Vienna Waltz. There's nothing like the romance of a formal ball. There's nothing like the magic of waltzing the night away. Here in Vienna you can go to classes to prepare for both the dancing and the etiquette of the event. There are many schools that will help you with just that. There are many great places to buy or rent a gown for the event. There are great places to rent a tuxedo too. If you want, you can hire a horse and carriage to take you to your event, and have that Cinderella experience you've always fantasized about.

There are several balls during the winter ball season in Vienna, but one of the most prestigious is the Vienna Opera Ball held at the amazing State Opera House in mid February. Attire is strictly formal with tails only and black tuxedos only for the men. The women dress in floor length white only gowns. The tradition of this ball is that it is a coming out for debutantes and they take the floor first. At the proper time, the rest join in. Everything about this event is meticulous and steeped in tradition. If you've ever wondered what it was like to go to a true formal ball, this is your spot. The venue is one of the most beautiful and revered buildings in all of Austria and dates back to the days of royalty. It's a once in a lifetime event and a great place to live out a dream that would do any bucket list proud.
Don't know how to waltz? There are several schools for that. Don't own a gown? Particularly a white one? There are many stores for that. There are also some rental places for that. This is not some kind of rock concert though. This is not some disco that you drop in on. This is one of those events that takes planning. It requires tickets in advance. It requires gloves, ladies. It requires poise, grace, dress, etiquette, and social behaviors. This is something that you will have to study for. This is something that you will have to go to class and learn for. Is it worth it? Of course it is. For that one night, you will feel like Cinderella. You'll feel like a prince or a princess.
Vienna is one of the most romantic cities in the world. It's full of grandeur and palaces. It's the former home of kings and queens. It's classy and romantic. The ball season just exemplifies what's already in front of us with Lipizzaners, art museums, homes of famous composers and some of the most beautiful architecture anywhere. The Danube just makes the city more amazing, and the cathedrals even more so. You could spend a lifetime discovering the city.
If you want a truly one of a kind experience, then go to a ball while in Vienna. Take a class, buy a gown, get a ticket and go to the Opera Ball. Have that one magical night that you will remember for a lifetime. Make it magic and enjoy!
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