
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My Latest Visit to the North Woods...Moosehead Lake Maine!


Once in a while, I take off for the north woods.  I've been there most times of the year, during the lockdown and on and on.  I've flown over, walked around, driven the backroads, watched cars race on the lake, taken the boat, gone kayaking, and been a tourist of many kinds in the area of Moosehead Lake, Maine.

There's something special about this place.  The people are special, the local viewpoint of life is special, the view is special, and of course the moose are special.  I first visited this lovely area, anchored by Greenville Junction, because I wanted to see a moose.  It was that simple.  Back in the early 2000's I went online and looked up where to see a moose in New England.  I was frustrated at the time, because a lot of my friends were traveling Vermont, New Hampshire, and even Massachusetts; bringing home pictures they took of moose.  I'd been all over and never seen one.  I was ready for my first moose sighting.

When I asked where to see a moose in New England, what came up was Greenville, Maine.  They reportedly had more moose than people.  I had to see that, and I wanted to spot a moose.

I packed up my family to take what would only be our first trip to Greenville.  I must say, there were more moose than people.  We saw a lot of them.  We learned a lot about them.  I've now visited several times, and I learned where the majestic moose hangs out and when.  Every time we went to Greenville, I got to see moose.  I even went up during the lockdown, while following a lot of pandemic rules.  That time we stayed in Kokadjo in a cabin and spent all of our time in the woods and on the ponds.  We still saw moose.

I've had a bit of a hiatus since my last visit.  Four years.  But, when my friend asked if I would like to go there for a girls trip, I said of course!  I was excited to share one of my favorite spots in the world with one of my favorite friends.

I've been so enthralled with the area over the years that I wrote a novel staged there.  "Greenville, Dynasty of the North Woods" was a labor of love as I had a lot of fun staging an action thriller in a really quirky fun town.  I had so much fun, and so did the readers, that I'm working on another novel.  I needed a cover picture, and I knew exactly what I wanted, so there were a lot of reasons to visit this summer.

I intended to show my friend the town, Aunty M's Diner, the trading post, the crashed B-52, and of course the moose.  It all made sense to me.  I'd done this many times before.  What could possibly go wrong?

Things eventually do change I guess.  Greenville was still fun.  Don't get me wrong.  Things were just different.  The Black Frog Restaurant had closed down, been refurbished and reopened as the Dockside.  They also had a dock based bar and snack joint called Rowboat Joe's.  Both were very good and we liked them very much.

Auntie M's was still there, but for some reason barely open and wasn't open at all during the days we visited.  No banana bread French Toast for us.  Bummer.  Flatlander's was no longer open.  The Stress Free Moose, Kelly's Landing and Woody's were as normal.

The trading post was as normal.  The Katahdin was sailing, but in need of some work which they are raising money for, so hopefully that will work out.  The flying services were as normal, although Jack's Flying Service is now run by his daughter and son in law.  Both very nice people and Josh is a wonderful pilot.

Lily Bay State Park hasn't changed, which is good.  We loved our time there.  Mt. Kineo hasn't changed, with the shuttle running back and forth from the island during the day.  The Jackman Trading Post, which should never be missed, hasn't changed much at all, but they no longer have ice cream.  The local outfitters and activity services are operating as usual.  There's a lot of good news.  You can still rent a cabin in Kokadjo.  All the resorts and hotels are still there.

However, there are some changes that weren't so great.  There's a new timber management company in town that all but bought out or merged with Plum Creek Timber.  This has caused some changes that I think are not good and fall squarely on the shoulders of the new bosses.  The Weyerhaeuser Company is in charge now.  They're out of Seattle, Washington.  From what I saw; not a fan.

It's been part of life for everyone to use roads within the area of the timber company.  After all, their land encompasses almost a full quarter of Maine. We all know that the state of the roads is what it is, but we're welcome to use them at our own risk.  Plum Creek always took good care of the roads.  I never minded driving on them.  Things have changed.  Very few of the roads are in any kind of shape.  I think the worst was the sheer idea of trying to go and see the crashed B-52.  It's a tourist attraction.  I know it sounds odd, but it is.

We tried on our first day.  There was a gate across the road.  No access.  I eventually asked the outfitters what was going on, because they always know these things.  The Weyerhaeuser group had set up shop, logging right there.  They'd blocked the road until 4 every afternoon.  When we did try and go up again, the gate was open, but the road wasn't drivable.  We never got to do that activity.  I felt bad, because I'd talked about it so much to my friend.

The spot where the company is logging is on the road to the B-52, across the road from Lily Bay State Park, and not that far from Kokadjo.  A lot tends to go on for tourists in those areas.  A lot of people go to those spots to see moose.

The one thing that everyone hopes to see in the Moosehead Lake area is a moose.  We were there for a few nights and saw nothing.  Remember, I have decades of experience at moose hunting with my camera around Moosehead Lake.  I couldn't find anything.  We did see a couple of moose from the air on the other end of the lake, but none while on the ground.

Keep in mind.  We had a wonderful time.  Should you visit Greenville?  Of course.  I would never stop going there.  It's still about the people and the view.  I love it there, and if I could figure out how to make a living, I would live there.

I just want to know when the new timber people are going to become part of the program.  This deal began in 2015 and they've been in charge for a while, but it doesn't look like anything is in the best interest of the locals.  They need to realize that the area has a way of life and that they are a key part of it.  I know y'all are sitting out in Seattle, not caring about anything but your bottom line, but please, get your heads out of the sand.  There's a whole ecosystem in Greenville.  It means a lot to them to have their timber jobs, their tourists, and their lifestyle.  Don't screw that up for them.

We saw moose and we saw Zoose, but we didn't see them in the wild.  I hope that the next time I visit, I can figure out where the moose went, so I can hunt some with my cameras.  I hope that in the future there's a way to visit the plane crash.  I certainly hope that the people of Greenville never change their lives or their spirit, because that's most of what I truly visit for.  

Will I visit again?  Of course!  Will I shame the new timber company into being more of a team player around Moosehead Lake?  I'll try.  So, still pack your bags, still come to Greenville.  My new book staged there will be out soon.  So, Enjoy!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Now, The Good Stuff That Happened on That Trip


My son moved to Joliet, Illinois last year for a job.  Well, it was time to move to a forever home, which seems to be Indianapolis, Indiana.  That was the purpose of the trip I took where all the flight problems occurred.  I was going to help him move.  That was why I had a schedule and that was why I had to get where I was going and didn't have days to figure it out.

That being said, I'd never been to my son's apartment in Joliet, and this was the first and only time I got to see with my own eyes where he'd been living.  He doesn't take pictures of everything like I do, and it was nice to see the area, the complex, and his apartment.  It was almost completely packed when I finally arrived, but I got to see everything.  For moms, things like that are important.

His complex was very nice.  There are several in Crest Hill, a section of Joliet.  The people in charge seemed nice.  The grounds were nice.  The amenities were nice.  It was good.  For the first time in a long time, I didn't worry so much about him.

Today, I want to talk about long distance moves.  They are travel after all.  I did one back in the 1990's and it was tough.  I won't lie.  This time for my son, I thought it best to look into hiring some help.  He did all the leg work on this one and I just came to help.  He found something that I can't recommend enough.

He rented a U-Haul.  We've all done that at some point or another.  But, what I didn't know was that you can create a hybrid instead of a true do it yourself.  My son rented the truck, which I agreed to drive the almost 200 miles to Indianapolis.  Then, he took part in a program that they have.

He arranged two helpers to come and load the heavy stuff and whatever necessary onto the truck.  They just came for two hours to help load.  The two gentlemen who came to help were amazing.  They were friendly, pleasant, and masters at loading a lot of stuff into a small moving truck.  It was all done before we knew it and we were ready to go.  

Once we were at the new apartment in Indianapolis, he'd arranged another duo to come and help unload it all.  They were also amazing and were done in less than an hour.  Once again, friendly and pleasant.  I was thrilled and amazed at how easy it all was.

Before I knew it, my son was in his new apartment in Indianapolis and this was his new view.  It's like living in a small town and it's in Indianapolis.  It's a great new spot.  It was an easy move.  The program that U-Haul has going was less than half the price of conventional movers and it was easy.

I did drive the truck almost 200 miles, but it was great.  We took some great roads.  Being from Indiana, there were several spots that were nostalgic to me like when we passed the exit for the road that goes right through my hometown. It was the most pleasant move I've ever done in my life.  That says a lot.  I've lived in a lot of places.

We were done so quickly, we had a day to spend together.  We checked out an amazing park, called Eagle Creek Park close to his new home.  We ran some errands and got some ice cream.  We went out for an evening of local racing.  We managed to have a visit even though we worked a lot.

I used to go to the Anderson Speedway when I was a teenager.  More nostalgia.  My son learned something new about my history, and I got to spend time with my only child.  It was worth the work.  It was worth the lying cheating Frontier Airlines debacle.  It was worth being stranded overnight by Delta.  It was worth the trains in Chicago.  It was worth it all to get to see how my son is doing and spend some quality time with him.  

It had been a long time since I'd been a houseguest too.  I forgot how much fun it is to crash on someone's super comfy sofa, stay up half the night visiting, and just hang out.  It was great and I hope to do it again, sooner instead of later.  I think my son really enjoyed it too.  Mother son time is great for both.

It didn't take long for the new apartment to look like a lived in home.  I went home feeling good about where he was.  I met the new people at the new apartment and the new job he started on Monday.  They all seemed very nice.  I will always take any excuse to see my son, but I think this one was good for both of us.  

We used to take mother son trips when he was growing up.  We started it very early on when he was four years old.  I miss those trips.  This was like a throwback to the mother son trips we used to take.  I loved it.  I'm so glad I went.  Nothing is better than seeing your child in a good place.

So, don't be afraid to go someplace new.  Give that U-Haul program a try, because it was fabulous.  Good job U-Haul!  The return was right around the corner from his new apartment too.  Could have walked from it.

Don't forget to check all your options with everything you do.  Don't let anyone tell you how to do things.  Don't let anyone tell you how to live.  Don't put up with people or companies trying to lie cheat and steal from you.  We only have one life to live, and we all need to do it the best we can.

Make sure you prioritize family and friends.  Work is nice, but it's not life.  Don't forget to live.  Don't forget to love.  Sometimes, no matter what happens, you just need to be there for someone you love, so pack your bags, go to them and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Let's Talk IT Disasters and CrowdStrike


We all heard about it, but I'm not the one who normally is stuck in the middle of a travel issue.  However, this time I was, and you all should hear what I have to say.

The world pretty much came to a halt for a bit.  It happens.  We foolishly put all our trust in technology and sometimes we're reminded that we shouldn't do that so much.  July 19th 2024 will resonate for a while, especially for travelers.  Do I understand that companies had to deal with fallout?  Yes.  Do I understand that customers were inconvenienced? Yes.  Did everything that went on have to do with the IT crash?  I don't think so.

Let me explain.

I had a flight to catch on July 23rd, in the afternoon, to go from Bradley in CT to Chicago O'Hare to help my son move.  I was going two days early to help him finish packing before his move from Joliet, IL to Indianapolis, IN on July 25th.  Seems perfectly doable, right?

Wrong.  I went to Bradley International.  Everything went perfectly.  Everything was on time.  My first flight with Frontier was lovely.  We landed for an about three hour layover at Raleigh, NC.  I wandered the terminal, did some shopping, had something to eat.  The idea was for my son to pick me up at O'Hare, because the next day he had to work the last day at his old job.  Perfect.

The flight was delayed once, twice, three times.  I kept in contact with my son for hours so that he didn't have to wait long at O'Hare for me.  We boarded the plane.  The crew boarded the plane.  The preflight check was done.  The safety speeches were done.  We were all buckled in and began to move.  Then, the plane pulled back up to the jetway and they told us we had to get off because we'd been delayed again.  They said it was weather in Chicago.  The weather in Raleigh was visibly fine.

So, we sat in the terminal again, waiting for a call is what I was told about the weather in Chicago.  My son didn't understand what they were talking about because the weather where he was was fine.  He even talked to a friend of his that lived close to O'Hare and his friend said the weather was fine.  It had been fine the whole time.  I began to wonder.  

The pilot exited the plane, visibly angry and went to get a cup of coffee, because he was getting tired.  That's not what he said, I'm being polite.  Then, a United flight going to O'Hare from the gate next to us boarded and left on time.  No weather problems over there.  I didn't like what was happening.

Almost an hour later, they announced that our flight was cancelled and we needed to go to baggage and collect our bags.  The sad part was that people I'd been chatting with who flew this airline regularly didn't seem surprised.  They'd told me many crazy stories while we waited and this stuff happens all the time.  That's never a good sign.

I got my bag and got to the enormous line at the ticket counter.  I heard the staff telling people they could fly the following night, maybe; maybe Thursday morning, which was almost two entire days away.  I had to be in Joliet by Wednesday evening at the latest.  I'd made a promise to my son.  

The staff I heard speaking with customers in front of me were rude, short spoken, and didn't interact with most of the customers.  I didn't have time to wait until Thursday, so I got on my reliable Expedia App and booked a Tru by Hilton close by for the night and a flight out with United in the morning.  It seemed like a good idea, because it seemed as though United knew how to get to Chicago.

I reached the counter long after I made my own arrangements.  The agent told me I could leave on Thursday.  I said that was unacceptable.  She handed me a QR code on a green piece of cardboard and told me to scan that and follow instructions to apply for a possible refund.  Then she walked away.

That was my experience of flying with Frontier.  I scanned the QR code and followed the instructions, but there wasn't much information and no guarantees.  

Tru by Hilton of Raleigh Airport area; you are my heroes!  I booked a room with them on my app while waiting in line.  After my ridiculous interaction with the agent, I called and asked for a shuttle.  They said they'd be right there and they were!  They took me to the hotel, got me checked in and gave me a very comfortable room.  The desk associate even gave me a gift bag with bottled water and chips to tide me over until the included breakfast in the morning.  She made a reservation for the shuttle for the morning for me to take me back to the airport.  They were so nice and wonderful!  I don't know what I would have done without them.

There were some issues to iron out because of the delay.  My son was supposed to work his last day on Wednesday, leaving me figuring out how to get from Chicago O'Hare to Joliet.  He said he'd just come and get me.  I didn't really want him to call out on his last day at a job.  I told him I'd figure something out.

The breakfast was delicious the next morning.  Once again, great job Tru by Hilton.  The shuttle took me to the airport for round 2 at exactly when promised.  The driver was pleasant and helpful with my bags.  Love those people from Hilton.

Round 2 was flying with United from Raleigh to Chicago O'Hare.  Check in.  Easy.  Already knew the terminal by heart.  No problem there.  The flight went on time with no problem.  I did notice that Frontier had no problems that morning either.  Seemed odd.  They had several morning flights that all went on time.  Hmm.

The United flight was easy, pleasant and on time.  I got my bag easily at O'Hare.  The way life should be.  

The next step was actually easy and I should have thought of it before.  Trains.  Can't stress how much I love to take trains.  They make life so much easier most of the time.  As you leave the baggage area at O'Hare, you can go down to the Blue Line and take the Metra train into the city.  That's what I did.  It was a nice ride, passing all the traffic along the way.  Pleasant, direct, easy.  

Once at the Clinton stop, I exited.  I walked a couple blocks to Union Station.  There I caught the Metra Train to Joliet.  My son was able to pick me up right in Joliet close to where he lived after he finished his last day.  Simple.  Done.  What Frontier couldn't manage, I took care of myself.

It was a lovely ride, and for $6 to $8 dollars per train; you can't beat it.  I enjoyed the view in comfort and arrived in time for dinner.  I got to finally see my son, which was one of the biggest complaints I had about the inconvenience.  I don't get to see him often and Frontier was messing with that and I still didn't really understand why.

I'll discuss the rest of the trip later.  It was great.  I love spending time with my son.  He was moving to Indianapolis, IN to start a new job and a whole new life.  He was excited.  I was excited for him.  The move went great.  We got to spend some quality time together.  Loved it. 

But, then it was time to fly home from Indianapolis on Delta.  I had an evening flight on July 28th.  We were over a week from the Crowdstrike IT crash at that point.  Over a week.


So, after an odd experience at TSA, I was through and ready to catch my evening flight home on Delta through Atlanta.  Then it was delayed.  Then it was delayed again.  I called Delta, because they have customer service, and asked what was going on and was I going to be able to make my connection.  She said it would be fine, but offered me an option to take a later flight connecting through Detroit.  I made the decision to stay with my current flight.

Then it was delayed again.  Then, they changed my flight to the Detroit flight without my knowledge.  I noticed it on my app.  I looked and it was already delayed.  That option wasn't looking good either.  I returned to the ticket counter outside TSA as there were no agents at any Delta gate and there were several Delta gates.  All delayed except one.  A flight to LaGuardia in NYC that the phone agent and I had talked about but it was fully booked.

The agent at the ticket counter told me that she didn't know what to do, so I asked her to get someone who did.  When her boss came over, she told me the agent had quit.  I told her that maybe agenting wasn't for her, because I was nothing compared to most customers who had no idea what was going on with their flight.  She told me that I wasn't going to make the Detroit connection either, because it had been delayed more.

At that point, I opted to ask my poor son to let me stay the night and drop me off again early the next morning on his way to his first day at his new job, so that I could have a place to sleep for the night, because I had no flight that would get me home.  He had no problem with that, because my son is awesome.  The ticketing agent booked me on an early morning flight with no issue, and called to have my bag returned to me so I could check it when I came in the morning.  She said it would take about 20 minutes.

My son arrived about 25 minutes later.  No one could find my bag.  I asked how hard it could be to find a bag that hadn't traveled anywhere.  I was told I didn't understand and to wait.  I had to send my son to the parking garage so he didn't get in trouble for waiting in the drive.  We kept in contact for the next 2 hours.

What happened?  There were two men in the baggage office.  One of them kept approaching me and not listening to me.  They were looking for my bag in the bags going to Atlanta.  I was trying to tell him that maybe they weren't finding it because it was waiting to go on the flight to Detroit, but he told me I didn't understand.

The plane I originally was supposed to fly to Atlanta on three hours earlier came in and the rude baggage guy told me that they were trying to turn the flight around quickly and I had to wait until they were done.  It was the flight that was delayed so much I wouldn't make my connection!  Then, they couldn't find it.  Finally, the annoying male ego went away and I got to talk to the other guy.  When I told him about all the different flights, he called someone and almost immediately, my bag showed up.  It was waiting for the Detroit flight, which was delayed even more by then.  Kudos to the person who listened.

Finally, my son and I went back to his apartment, finished his laundry, grabbed something to eat and went to bed.

But, I had another odd experience during the baggage incident.  The passengers who came in on the flight that was delayed so much I wouldn't make my connection in Atlanta had stories to tell.  I spoke with a man who told me that the reason they were so late was that they spent over an hour trying to latch the door.  Not joking.  He was in the front of the plane and said he watched it all.  Then, they were out of rotation at a very large airport and took another hour or so waiting to take off.  Once again, not IT and not weather.

I enjoyed another night with my son, although I felt bad invading him the night before his first day at a new job, but he assured me it was fine.  He's a great son.  

I went back to the airport in the morning to check my bag and get a seat assignment, and the agent told me that I'd better hurry, because the flight was running early.  I explained how that's not how that works, and she let it go.  They did give me a seat assignment for one flight.  I had to work the second flight's seating out during my brief layover in Atlanta which was sticky, but I managed it.  They did check my bag.  They didn't try to charge me any extra.  That was good.

I made my flight.  In natural form for Atlanta, I had to run across almost the entire airport in 20 minutes to make my connection, but I made it.  They gave me a seat.  I went to Bradley.  It did happen that day.

Bradley International Airport of Hartford/Springfield.  I don't say this about many airports, but they all should be like Bradley.  They have amenities.  They have customer service.  They have convenient TSA.  They have Dunkin Donuts.  They take care of the passengers and I like that.  Home sweet home.

From there on out the trip was easy.  I got a coffee.  I got my bag.  The Parking Spot ran right over to pick me up and had my car ready.  Life was good.  They didn't even mind that I was almost a whole day late.

When I got home the battle started and it isn't over yet.  Frontier isn't honoring my account on their app, and they won't accept my confirmation number in their system.  They have no way to talk to a person unless it's 24 hours or less before or after your scheduled flight.  I found my information on Expedia, but it had been changed to look as though I didn't show up for a flight I booked.  Expedia has no way to contact them that I didn't already know about.

I am being contacted by email and X (twitter).  They are insisting that they won't call me unless it's done on WhatsApp.  They are shifty and they lie.  They did refund for my flight, but nothing for any of the other fuss.  They offered me a voucher, but I explained to them that didn't help me, because I'm never flying with them again.  We're still discussing the matter through social media and email, because even their corporate office phone is unreachable.

I filed complaints with the Department of Transportation and the Better Business Bureau.  I also left horrifying reviews all over the place and am doing anything else I can to alert people.  It's all you can do.  

What I seemed to find, as I spent so much time at airports during this (at least a total of 16 hours), and I saw a trend.  It seemed as though airlines were having most of their delays and cancellations in the evenings.  They were easily booking people onto the next morning's flights if they flew the following day, which Frontier said they weren't.  Are they using the IT crash as an excuse to consolidate flights and save some money?  Food for thought.

In the meantime, make sure you don't use Frontier.  At least Delta made arrangements, although I didn't like it when they changed my flight without my consent.  Maybe we should all take morning flights.  I don't know, but something has to change.  

For me, I'm taking United; the one airline that just got me where I needed to go.  I do acknowledge that I only got stuck with Delta, who seemed to have legitimate problems, and the horrible Frontier, so there are several good airlines out there to fly with.  So pack your bags, choose wisely and enjoy!