Chichen Itza, just outside of Cancun, Mexico on the Yucatan Penninsula is where one of the biggest events is happening this holiday season. It's not about Christmas. It's not about Winter exactly. It's not about anything that most people would think, or maybe they would.

The Mayan world left a lot of legends and mysteries behind for us to think about, and one of the most famous has become their calendar. It ends on December 21, 2012. Why? Well, the common theory has become that it's because the world is going to end. That's right, sports fans, it's all over before Christmas. I figure that would make Christmas a lot cheaper.
At any rate, that's a wonderful theory, even though it's wrong. The calendar ends because it has gone through all of the ages that were laid out by the Mayans. We are currently finishing up the iron age, which by the way was supposed to be a dark age, and we're beginning the Gold Age, which is supposed to be much more prosperous. If you're going to listen to Mayan legend, pick this one. Trust me. So the end of the world was not the intentions of the Mayans.
The solution as to what to do with the end of the world thing seemed obvious to the people of the Yucatan Peninsula. They're having a festival. It's a winter solstice festival, but it's going to be overcrowded this year, because of all the people who are coming to celebrate the end of the world.
Chichen Itza will be hosting Synthesis 2012 to celebrate the calendar and the solstice. There are many musicians coming to this celebration of culture and the galactic planet alignment. There are many people who believe that the date of December 21, 2012 is going to be a significant date. Do the rest of us think that? I don't know, but Cancun certainly is a great place to visit in the winter. There are wonderful temples and ruins to visit all over the area. The beaches are world class, and the people are friendly.
There will be artists displaying their wares, and all sorts of activities. It's a great gathering of like minds. I think that everyone should take a little time learning what others believe in. Do I believe that this is going to be the end of the world? No. I think what the experts think. The Mayans made a calendar that went until the ages started over. It was a wheel, and it came full circle. Nothing more than that.
But, if you decide to go to Mexico to witness the end of the world with the ancestors of the people who called it for that date on the cosmic betting pool calendar, then maybe you'll want to try a real adventure while you're there.
This guy in the picture above is riding a jet pack. Isn't that cool? Well, Cancun is one of the only places on Earth that you can try this activity out. Jetpack Adventures Mexico has trained instructors on hand to teach you how to use a jetpack so that you can go out and try it for yourself. They do it over water for obvious reasons. The landings are softer and the thing is largely powered by the water that it sucks up through the attached tube. But, inevitably you will need to be able to swim.
This is a once in a lifetime experience here. Wouldn't that go great with the end of the world?

Cancun and the Yucatan are beautiful places to visit. They are very popular with foreign tourists. The place is full of Americans, especially during Spring Break. But if you're looking for something a little more unusual than the regular climb to the top of a Mayan Pyramid Temple before hitting the bars, then you might make reservations to come for the end of the calendar and join in the local celebrations making the transition from the Iron age to the Gold age. Enjoy the beauty of a place that is so steeped in legend that the tourism rate is climbing steadily and there are very few hotel rooms left to book for the big day, and kick back and listen to lots of music while waiting to see if it's really going to be the end of the world on December 21, 2012.

So come and visit and go to the concerts that will be happening for Synthesis.

Come enjoy the pristine beaches and get away from it all. Wouldn't you rather be here than at work if the world does come to a screeching halt? I mean, vacation is always better.

And if all else fails, you can always go out on a jet pack. It's a wonderful memorable concept to go to the Mayan temples of the Yucatan to celebrate the cycling of the Mayan calendar. Flying over it in a jetpack? Priceless.
Reserve your rooms fast. This is a really popular destination for December, and they're not all going because they think that it's really the end. Most of them are looking for that something that says that they did something special while other people worry about the end of the world.
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