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Monday, March 16, 2020
One of the Biggest Adventures is Staying Home and Being a Good Citizen
What do we do when we can't go out and do whatever we want? It's an interesting question, and one I've been thinking about since the onset of the Coronavirus issue arrived in my country.
I've been listening to the people in my life and the ones on TV and social media make fun of this virus, complain about the restraints that have been put on their lives due to the virus, and all kinds of stuff. So, I had some thoughts myself, and I finally decided to say them.
For years, I've heard people complain that they don't have time. I've been one of those people. I've worked two jobs at times just to get by. I've complained that I'm missing out on family time and writing time and time with my friends, and reading time, and cleaning time, and sleeping time, and TV time, and cooking time, and exercising time. Well, here it is. As my grandma used to say, "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Let's not focus on everything we can't do right now. Let's take a good long look at the silver lining of this situation.
Sure, there is no toilet paper. Sure, we can't go out wherever we want and do whatever we want to do. But there are so many good things going on as a result. I've cooked more nutritious home cooked meals than ever before. My family is eating together. I've gotten more rest, had time to use my Nordic Trak, watched some great movies and TV shows, talked with my family, and in my case, had time to work on my latest book. When my family is out of work because of the virus, they will be paid. In my field, I may have to work more. We're saving money because we aren't running around so much. It's a good thing.
I'm hopelessly hopeful. I find myself in the position of my son's college start date being delayed, but I still see so much good that is coming of this horrible thing. We all need to be aware of that. Has anyone considered this? Our government is working together better than they have in many years. They are talking to one another and listening to one another. There are suddenly 500 or so elected and appointed officials in Washington that are finally doing their jobs. There are manufacturers, labs, research facilities and charitable agencies all working together for the common good. A democrat actually called our President, President Trump. Unity is a good thing, even in the face of adversity. By having a common enemy, suddenly the powers that be are working together. What could be better than that?
Many businesses that are normally just a pain in the neck are suddenly trying to help ease the frustration of the situation. Cable companies are opening up movie channels for free and vowing not to cut services during the crisis for non payment. Sports are turning to virtual sports events with the actual athletes taking part, just to help provide entertainment. There are so many humanitarian and truly acts for the common good going on right now that I can't list them all. Museums are providing free online walking tours of their institutions. If you like opera, you can stream recorded performances of the NYC opera. There are a lot of things happening to try and make our incarceration more livable. All of these private sector things are being done without them being asked to do them.
I've instituted a group on Facebook and invited my friends. They are sharing things and I hope that my friends get to know each other a bit. It's working so far. We shut out the business end of this thing and are concentrating on good things. I've had a chance to talk to my mom more than just on holidays. I've had a chance to clean my house and do some projects. It's time for all of those things that you wish you had time to do. This is an opportunity that probably won't come again in my lifetime. I'm living the dream now. The virus is bad, but time is good.
I know we all have things to do. I know it sucks to be told to stay at home. But, we need to take this time to be solid citizens. No one thinks that we're all going to die. The problem is that if everyone in a town like mine shows up to the hospital because they think they have the Coronavirus, that's 30,000 people. Most of them won't be serious cases. Most of them will rest for a while and be fine. Mass death won't be the case. Not everyone in a town will get sick at the same time, but if they do; you need treatment for them. No one has that. What happens if your grandma is weak and one of the people we really need to worry about? What if in a line of 30, 000 people, your sick grandma is person number 30,000? What happens when there are too many patients for them to get to the one that really needs serious treatment? What happens if your grandma dies because there were so many people at the emergency room that she wasn't seen in time? This is what our government is thinking about. This is what we need to realize. All the toilet paper in the world won't make a difference if grandma is in a line so long that she dies because no one could get to her in time.
We all have a golden opportunity to do the right thing. Our government is actually trying to do the right thing. It provides us with the one thing that we always wanted more of; time. Don't worry about what you're missing because of this. Think about what you're gaining because of this. The world will get back to normal. Everything will get back to normal. When I was a kid, we were isolated for two weeks at a time from blizzards. We played board games, cooked meals, and watched the three channels on our TV. It's so much better now. Enjoy the break. Treat it like the adventure for anyone that it is and enjoy!
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