
Friday, August 23, 2024

We've Got Another Fast Five! Hitting Some International Vibes Here!


1.    Bornholm Island, Denmark.  Denmark is one of those places.  We love good food, and some of the best restaurants in the world are there.  We want to be happy, and the Danes are consistently ranked as some of the happiest people in the world.  Probably the food.  Maybe the Legos, being as they are home to the world famous building blocks and have the first and flagship Legoland.  But Denmark has a great secret that most tourists don't know about, because they're just too busy seeing the other stuff.

Bornholm Island is more off the coast of Sweden than Denmark, but it's part of Denmark.  It's a beautiful island, not far from the main collection of islands that make up the country.  You can take a boat, ferry or plane to get to the island and experience a different part of the country.  

The world is laid back on Bornholm.  There are castle ruins, old villages and towns, beautiful roads, and even cliffs.  Denmark is famous for being flat, so this is the scenic part of the country where you can walk cliffs and have dramatic views of the Baltic Sea.  

Do they have a Michelin Star Restaurant on Bornholm?  Rumor has it that the island is home to the only Michelin Star Beach Shack.  So, there's obviously great food, lots of history and fabulous scenery on Bornholm Island.

2.    Japan's Vending Machines.  This one isn't so much as you have to go and see it, but you should know about it and take time to try them out while in Japan.  It's been said that you can get just about anything from a Japanese Vending Machine.  They're so many of them that they say there's one machine for every 10 people in the country.  Japan is one of the most populous countries on Earth, so that's a lot of machines.

I would say to stop and get a drink at one, but you can get almost anything.  They have drinks and food, hot and cold.  They have toys and games, groceries and fruit.  They have puzzles and all kinds of things.  It's incredible what you can get from a machine.

Are they safe?  Here in America, vending machines are a bit taboo for a lot of things, like food.  But in Japan, they're clean, and the materials are kept fresh.  So, while in Japan, give that a try.  You might really be surprised.

3.    Swim with Humpback Whales.  That's right, people do that.  We've all been on a whale watch and just seeing the giant creatures, no matter how gentle they are is a little intimidating.  But there are companies that will take you to swim with them and some of the most popular ones are in Tonga.

Where is Tonga?  Well, it's east of Australia and North of New Zealand in French Polynesia, so if you happen to be visiting there, congratulations!  I hear it's one of the most beautiful areas of the world.

This is an excursion that tends to take a few days in order to have the full experience and find the whales.  They are enormous wild creatures after all and will be where they want, when they want.

The cruises allocated for this activity last three to five days and give you more than one chance on average to swim with the gentle giants.  So, if in Tonga, it looks like a massive great adventure.

4.    Wild Camel Spotting in Australia.  Now, I don't know who is driving around the outback in Australia, but I do know of a train that cuts through it (The Ghan).  I do know you can rent a vehicle whether RV style or car and drive in the outback, so this is a valid concept.

Many many years ago, camels were imported from the Middle East to be used as work animals and transportation.  They hauled many people and products around the outback and were ideally suited to the climate and terrain.  After trains and cars came along, they were not really needed much anymore.

However, camels are tough and as I said were suited for the outback so they flourished.  There are thousands of wild camels roaming the outback and you can see them all over the place.  So, while on a road trip, train trip or some kind of safari, keep your eyes open for the feral camels of Australia.

5.    The Winjiri Wiru Story at Uluru.  That's a mouthful for us Americans.  Uluru is what we were taught to refer to as Ayers Rock.  Uluru is in the outback in Australia on Indigenous People's Land and has long since been known around the world as a sacred location.

In modern times, many people took tours to try and climb it and all kinds of things, but now, there's the Ayers Rock Resort and their world famous drone show to tell the story of Winjiri Wiru.  It's a one of a kind show that happens every night.  You'll need to stay in the area and the resort is the most convenient place.

The one of a kind drone show teaches the story of old and is a one of a kind experience, not to be missed if you happen to want to see Uluru; it's the perfect combination.

There you have it; an added fast five.  This is a great list because it covers a lot of different things in a lot of different parts of the world.  If you happen to be in any of these locations, check out some of these lesser elaborated on activities and further immerse yourself in the local culture.  Whether it's an educational drone show, swimming with whales, experiencing life with crazy vending machines or spending some time in the wild with camels or on a historical scenic island; there are so many experiences to be had.  Don't miss out on seeing the world.  Pack your bags and enjoy! 

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